Robinwood was Mae and Jim. With blueprints lifted from the December 1946 issue of Better Homes & Gardens, Robinwood was the house that my maternal grandparents built together and made their own with sweat, luck, and modest means on northern Michigan cow pasture land. And it was the locus of their lives for sixty years.
Cyanotype and gum dichromate with watercolor on paper mounted to panel
Sizes vary from 16 x 20 inches to 6 x 6 inches
Robinwood Foundation
Robinwood Skeleton
Robinwood with Jim on Ladder
Robinwood with Mae and Carlson Women
Robinwood in Winter
Robinwood Front: King and Carlson Women
Robinwood Front: Maggie and Miriam Holding Hands
Robinwood Front: Jim and Axel Making Ice Cream
Robinwood Front: Mae Raking Grass
Robinwood Front: Girls with Snowman
Robinwood Back: Jim and Margy Building Addition
Robinwood Back: Marg Gardening
Robinwood Back: Hup Harvesting Green Beans
Robinwood Back: Marg Scaling Fish
Robinwood Back: Picnic Table
Robinwood Back: Maggie and Jill Blowing Bubbles
Robinwood Living Room: A Wedding
Robinwood Living Room: Kings under the Mantle
Robinwood Living Room: Jim Watching Television
Robinwood Living Room: Doll and Dog Storytime
Robinwood Living Room: Jim Reading to His Girls
Robinwood Kitchen: Hup Cooking Korv
Robinwood Kitchen: Margy Baking with Missy and Fritz
Robinwood Kitchen: Jill with Spoon
Robinwood Kitchen: Margy with Spoon
Robinwood Kitchen: Aunt Margaret with Margy
Robinwood Dining Room: Jim Carving
Robinwood Dining Room: Mae Serving Ladies
Robinwood Dining Room: Jim Pouring
Robinwood Dining Room: Sisters Setting the Table
Robinwood Dining Room: Margy's Fifth Birthday
Lilla Stuga
Lilla Stuga: Jim Building
Lilla Stuga: Margy with Bed-full of Dolls
Lilla Stuga: Jill with a Wagon-full of Dolls
Robinwood from the Road
The Road from Robinwood